Blog Post

Of Chronic Illness, Depression, Socialisation, Loneliness, and Effort.

I’ve been writing and rewriting this in my mind for the last few days, and either it was time to write it out, or let it swallow me up. Chronic illness, depression, and anxiety go hand in hand., Anyone who has a chronic illness will tell you. When you have a chronic illness, life changes.… Continue reading Of Chronic Illness, Depression, Socialisation, Loneliness, and Effort.

Blog Post · Life Update · News Update

Living with an Invisible Illness

First Published on on 28/02/2012 Invisible illnesses.  You’ve probably heard about them or heard people mention them.  They come in all forms from depression to constant headaches.  They have no physical symptoms and, in most cases, people think you are faking or making it up. However, they are real and this article is to show… Continue reading Living with an Invisible Illness

Milestone · News Update

Steve Jobs, Apple, and Influences

First published on on 2011/10/06 “Oh great”, you’re probably thinking, “not another post from a nobody on Steve Jobs.  What makes this one special?” Well, nothing makes it special, except that it is my thoughts and experiences about Apple, their products, and Steve Jobs. As you have probably heard, it being all over the… Continue reading Steve Jobs, Apple, and Influences